The University of Edinburgh, 2024-present Development of the new interior point solver for linear and quadratic programming for the open source
optimization library HiGHS. Development of a specialized factorization
code for positive definite and
indefinite matrices
Dr. Julian Hall
Postdoctoral Research Associate
The University of Edinburgh, 2023 Development of a factorization-based interior point method for the HiGHS
software library
Dr. Julian Hall
University of Padua, 2014-2017
Thesis: Acceleration of the Jacobi-Davidson method with low-rank preconditioners for the
computation of eigenvalues of large and sparse matrices
Prof. Luca Bergamaschi
Other activities
Tutor for the following courses:
University of Edinburgh, 2019-2023
Calculus and applications
Introduction to linear algebra
Engineering mathematics
Stochastic modelling
Fundamentals of optimization
Fundamentals of operational research
Large scale optimization for data science
Referee for the following journals:
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Computational Optimization and Applications
Optimization Methods and Software
Journal of Scientific Computing
Computers and Operations Research
Mathematical Programming Computation
Internship at OZ Racing
I was a member of the University of Padua Formula SAE team in the Aerodynamic department